Guide & Tips

Staying Secure Online

Remaining secure online isn’t easy anymore, especially as every 39 seconds someone gets attacked by a hacker online. Cybercrime is a growing concern, and in 2019 alone there were almost 160,000 security incidents, 81% of which linked to stolen or weak passwords. Staying secure online is now a problem for more people due to COVID-19 making more people work from home. 62% of Americans were working from home in 2020, 49% of them having never remote worked before. With so many new opportunities to attack cybercrime skyrocketed. Phishing attacks were up by 600% and ransomware attacks were up by 148%.

An efficient way of keeping passwords safe is using MFA’s, multi-factor authentication, to keep your passwords secure. However, most MFA’s aren’t good enough. Common MFA’s like sending a one-time code through email or SMS can be breached by a hacker intercepting the message.

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